AI Prompts: Generating Cold Email Copy

Jasper can help you write cold emails that are personalized, compelling, and even humorous. With its advanced AI language capabilities, you can sell a product, promote a service, or introduce yourself in a way that will make even the iciest prospects warm up to you.

High-Converting Emails


Write a high-converting [type of email] that will leverage the power of storytelling, social proof and persuasive language to captivate my [ideal customer persona] and drive them to take [desired action] for my [product/service].


Addressing Pain Points


Write a cold email copy for [product/service] addressing [specific persona pain points] and present my [solution] as the only viable solution in the market, leaving them with a sense of urgency and a compelling call to action.


Attention-Grabbing Subject Lines


Craft an attention-grabbing subject line and email body that showcases the unique benefits of my [product/service], appeals to the [target persona]'s self-interest, and motivates them to take action.


Showcasing Success Stories


Develop a persuasive email that showcases the success stories of similar [target persona] who have used my [product/service] to overcome [pain point], and emphasize the urgency and scarcity of the offer.


Demonstrating Value


Write an email that demonstrates the value of my [product/service] by using real-life examples, testimonials and statistics to show how it solves [target persona]'s [pain point] and sets it apart from the competition.




Avoid ambiguity: To make your writing easier to understand for most people, avoid asking questions that can be interpreted in different ways or using words that have more than one meaning.





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